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Weston Warriors Football, Cheerleading & Track



Weston Warriors Sports, Inc. is a youth football & cheerleading program. Our goals are to help develop children by providing a positive environment where they will have fun and learn the proper skills of youth football & cheerleading, along with the values of sportsmanship, teamwork, discipline, commitment & hard work, etc. We encourage scholastic achievement along with family & community involvement while acting as consistent & caring role models. Our program is bigger than any 1 Athlete, Volunteer, or Parent /Guardian. This Agreement will serve as an acknowledgement by you (Parent/Guardian) that, by choosing to enroll your child in the program, you will ensure that he/she abide by the by-laws set forth by the Board of Directors as well as all Local, Regional, & National rules that may apply, in addition to this Code of Conduct.  Any infraction of this code will be cause for ejection from the park on the first offense. Consecutive infractions will be cause of expulsion from the program. 

I do hereby agree to abide by this Weston Warriors’ Adult Code of Conduct Contract as well as to the discretionary authority given by authorized Coaches in the program. Failure to follow this Code or Head Coach’s instruction will be deemed grounds for disciplinary actions and/or dismissal from the team/program at the discretion of the Board. The code states the following:

1.        My registration fees are non-refundable.
2.        The Head Coach shall be responsible for the conduct of all registered children, members of the coaching staff & spectators related to his team during all the program’s activities &/or events. Anyone who becomes a nuisance or out of control will be asked to leave.
3.        I will be supportive, encourage members of each team, keep all comments positive, promote the values of: commitment, sportsmanship, ethical conduct, fair play, & help make it fun for all, while striving to make every activity serve as a training ground for life and a basis for good mental & physical health. I will treat everyone with respect & dignity. I will stay off the field & remain under control in order to set a good example for others.
4.        I will not criticize participants in front of spectators, but reserve constructive criticism for later (refer to item 5.), in private, or in the presence of team members if others may benefit.
5.        I will utilize the 24-hour rule & submit all concerns in writing, 1st to the Head Coach. If the concern remains unresolved or if I am a Head Coach, I will then notify the Football / Cheer Commissioner (as applicable), & if still unresolved, I will notify a Board Member. Bypassing this chain-of-command will result in disciplinary action as determined by the Board.
6.        I will accept the decisions of officials as being fair & called to the best ability of the officials. Criticizing the Officials, Coaches, Opponents, Fans or others by word of mouth or gesture will not be tolerated.
7.        Coaches will make all decisions regarding athlete evaluation, positions, & play time, placing participants in roles to best help the team, with final decision resting with the Head Coach.
8.        Coaches may discipline children for misbehavior, disrupting teammates & using vulgarity and the Head Coach may suspend or dismiss any athlete for continuous bad behavior. I will refrain from using profanity &/or abusive language.
9.        Coaches will provide participants plenty of water breaks, encourage proper hydration, & never refuse water or use it as either punishment or motivation.
10.     Coaches shall review in depth safe and sure techniques with the head up to lessen the chance of neck or head injuries, shall run lots of fit & freeze drills to check & approve proper form, keep live scrimmaging to a minimum, live tackling drills to smaller spaces, eliminating high-speed ramming type drills that may cause injury.
11.     Coaches shall be organized & efficient with time, have practices planned & written out, run drills in small groups (5-10 players), keep calisthenics and agility drills to a minimum and ensure that all participants are coached during practice, there are no idle participants unless scrimmaging.
12.     I will emphasize that winning a game is the result of teamwork with athletes performing to the best of their ability & that good athletes are good students; both are physically & mentally alert.
13.      I will not receive payment in cash or kind, for services as a volunteer in the program regardless of volunteer status.
14.     The Coach shall not “run up” the score & while ahead comfortably shall substitute liberally.
15.     The Coach shall remove from a game or practice any participant when even slightly in doubt about his/her health, whether or not as a result of injury & I will abide by a doctor’s decision in all matters of athlete’s health, injuries & physical ability to play.
16.     I will not recommend or distribute any medication, controlled or over the counter, except as specifically prescribed by participants physician.
17.     I will never be alone with a participant unless it is my child, nor touch a participant inappropriately.
18.     The Coach that is expelled from a game shall be suspended for the next game; a 2nd offense shall cause the Coach to be suspended for the season.
19.     If I have a participant in the program:
a.        I will have him/her at every scheduled practice & game on time. I will notify the Head Coach in advance, should my child not be attending. 1 absence with notice will be allowed for the season. For each additional absence, the following will apply each week: 1 will result in a loss of a quarter, 2 will result in loss of a half & 3 or more will result in child not playing in that week’s competition. If my child misses 3 games during the season, he will be removed from the team for the season. The Coach will enforce the attendance policy in a consistent a fair manner towards all athletes
b.        I will leave the coaching to the Coaches, will not shout instructions unless I am a certified Coach.
c.        I will make sure that my child is properly & safely equipped at all practices & games.
d.        I will provide a check to the program in the amount of $300 prior to receiving any football equipment which will be held by the program until season’s end. I will return all equipment at season’s end or immediately upon dismissal from the team. Failure to do so will result in the deposit of my $300 to the program to offset the cost of the equipment. I will be responsible for legal fees &/or collection costs should I cancel the check.
e.        I am responsible for all equipment issued to my child. I will not modify the equipment or uniform(s). I will be charged for any loss of or unnecessary damage to the equipment.
f.         I will volunteer a minimum 10 hrs. for each of my children that participates under a scholarship.
g.        I will inform the coach of my child’s health & medical issues such as allergies & epi pens, etc. and ensure asthma inhalers are available as needed.
h.        I will never drop off and/or leave a child at practice or game unattended. It is my responsibility to ensure that my child leaves the practice or game field with an authorized family member or friend. It is not the responsibility of coaches, board, or staff to supervise the child off the field.
i.         I will participate in league sanctioned fundraisers & I will volunteer as needed or scheduled.
20.     Should I volunteer, I will fill out all paperwork, pass the background check, attend clinics & pass any Training & Certification Course(s) as the Board deems necessary for my role prior to engaging with children. I hereby authorize the Board to discuss my personal background check details amongst the Board, &/or the City, for the purposes of the Board’s determination whether I will be allowed to volunteer.
21.     I will not permit an ineligible participant to participate.
22.     I will not encourage any person to engage in unsportsmanlike conduct with anyone.
23.     I will not have, use or be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs at the parks.
24.     I will not smoke and/or use smokeless tobacco on the field.
25.     I will uphold all the rules & regulations of the participating League &/or Organization.
26.     The Board has adopted a “zero tolerance” policy concerning any action deemed detrimental or harmful to the program and/or the League / affiliated Organization, whether or not such action was performed within the League / affiliated Organization. Any infraction of this policy, including creating unnecessary drama, embarrassment or stirring controversy, will result in the immediate expulsion of parent/guardian & child(ren) from the program at the sole & absolute discretion of the Board.
27.     I, do hereby give Weston Warriors Sports, Inc., their assigns, licensees and legal representatives the irrevocable right to use the participant, myself and my family’s picture, name, and likeness free of charge in any manner for any purpose without compensation to participant or me in all manners, for advertising, trade, or any other lawful purposes, and I waive any right to inspect or approve the finished product, including written copy, that may be created in connection therewith. I represent that I am a parent/legal guardian to the participant and I agree that the grant and release contained therein binds me and the minor to all of the terms; and I HAVE READ THIS MEDIA RELEASE, FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS TERMS, UNDERSTAND THAT I HAVE GIVEN UP SUBSTANTIAL RIGHTS AND BY SIGNING BELOW, I AM AGREEING TO IT FREELY AND VOLUNTARILY WITHOUT ANY INDUCEMENT
28. I will be responsible to communicate this code to all my family & friends and I shall take full responsibility for their actions.
29. I agree to receive phone calls &/or text messages from Weston Warriors main # 954-900-6050 as needed.

I agree to abide by the above guidelines as a condition of participating in the Weston Warriors program. I can be terminated from the program at any time, with or without cause & will have no remedy or review. I agree to accept all actions the Board feels is appropriate & agree to hold harmless the Weston Warriors Sports, Inc., its Board Members & Coaches for any wrongdoing or acts of negligence. I agree to resolve any issue directly with the Board or coaching staff & not in court of law. I agree to pay the Weston Warriors or its Coaches for their legal fees if I choose to ignore this clause.  I acknowledge that I will be a role model, that athletes will take their cue from me. I agree to act in a way that is honorable. While the goal is to play well, the primary goal is the uplifting & proper training of children. 

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